Friday, December 4, 2009

Focus, would ya?

Thursday and Fridays are basically my weekend, as I usually do not have a "gig" either of those days. I teach Mon - Wed this quarter, and then play church on Sat and Sunday. A lot of times I will also have a gig in the evening - so I am workin' as much as possible, and thankful to be working!

I usually have to catch up on bills, my "honey do" list on Thur and Fri ---

After all that is done, whatever time is left I get to work on Fdeluxe.

This weeks task was to learn the Vienna Strings library that was borrowed to me. That may sound easy, but it opens up a whole new can of woop ass!
I have to not only learn the program, I have to learn how to orchestrate.
I also have to learn about articulations, what instrument plays what, and once I do that, figure out how that corresponds to the synth that I am learning.
Pictured with me is my friend A.D.A.M. who set up some templates for me to get me rollin'.
Needless to say it has been a bit of a struggle, but today I had a break through.

I am working on a track called "The Vigil" - and I had originally done the orchestration on a string synth that I though sounded "fine;" that is until I heard this new synth.
I now have to re allocate all my arrangements on ALL the songs to this new synth, to make my string section sound as real as possible.

You probably are asking yourself, "Why don't you just use Clare Fisher again, like the last record?" One word - BUDGET.

If I could I would hand this right over to him and his son Brent, whom I have been in contact with for the last 2 years. We had tried to figure out a way to get to work together, but no one can work for free. Brent did, however, listen to my arrangements and give them his blessing.
I am sure he was just being nice, but I have REALLY tried to draw on all of my harmonic heros to do this CD justice.

I am anxious for you all to hear it when it is done (so am I, really!)
Maybe I can put a sample of what one of my arrangements sounds like here!

Have a great weekend.

St Paul Peterson

1 comment:

  1. budgeting is a bitch, but i'd like to think it just forces us to be more creative. can't wait to hear. :)
